Bellino opposes irresponsible energy mandate

Bellino opposes irresponsible energy mandate

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Joseph Bellino, R-Monroe, issued the following statement after the Michigan Senate on Thursday passed a package of Democrat-sponsored bills designed to radically change Michigan’s energy policy:

“This irresponsible endeavor prioritizes Washington and coastal elitist talking points over the lives and livelihoods of Michigan families.

“As families and small businesses continue to pay more for virtually everything, we need to give them realistic and effective solutions that will increase energy reliability and reduce costs. This plan doesn’t achieve either of those goals.

“This plan will allow companies to buy clean energy credits from another state and claim they are saving the planet — while passing along those costs to consumers and giving Democrats the illusion that they actually did something good.

“The 10 million people who live in Michigan and the millions more we hope to attract here need and deserve an affordable and reliable energy plan that uses a wide variety of sustainable sources.”


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