Bellino blasts Senate Democrats’ irresponsible energy mandate

Bellino blasts Senate Democrats’ irresponsible energy mandate

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Joseph Bellino, R-Monroe, is a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Environment and issued the following statement after the panel considered a series of Democrat-sponsored bills designed to radically change Michigan’s energy policy:

“This plan is about more government mandates and more government control of people’s lives that results in less reliable energy and less money in people’s pockets.

“Michigan deserves realistic solutions. I’m more likely to be the next starting quarterback for the New York Jets than we are to achieve a 100% carbon-free energy mandate without natural gas or nuclear by 2040.

“An effective and affordable energy grid uses a wide variety of sustainable sources, but this plan prioritizes Washington talking points over the lives and livelihoods of Michigan families.

“The Senate Democrats’ irresponsible endeavor threatens our entire economy and burdens struggling families and job providers with higher costs.”


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